Monday, June 29, 2015

It's being used...

Well, along with the progress forward, it is good to know that it is being used:)
My Granddaughter earned this tent selling Girl Scout Cookies! She thought my porch was the perfect place to put it up for the first time. So next year, when you buy your Girl Scout Cookies, know that you are not just helping out the troop, but you are helping each scout earn something for themselves too! In this case it was for selling 400 boxes of cookies.

Monday, June 15, 2015


Summer has hit! Over 100 degrees today, so it is time for the Swamp cooler!
Isn't this how we all feel about our Tiny Houses? But this was just the try out phase. Here's what it looks like installed.
The shelf it is sitting on folds up against the wall for winter or travel. The crate can go when I can splice in longer wires :)
The part where it enters the wall is a dryer vent. It has two doors to cover the opening in winter and when traveling. I also put a piece of rigid foam insulation over the skylight in the loft in the daytime to cut down heat gain from the sun, It pops right out at night to see the stars and open the skylight for cool breezes. 
So far it works well!